Apr 1 2020

Two New Monochrome Echo Releases Imminent!

Hello folks,

Hope you are all staying safe and well in these strange times.

I’ve been using this unexpected wealth of home time to finally finish up the ambient project I started work on about six months ago.

Those of you that follow my work as Monochrome Echo will no doubt be aware that something has been brewing of late. I’ve been getting into the wonderful world of hardware synthesisers and sequencers, mainly through the use of some newly acquired Elektron gear. The Digitone in particular lends itself really well to ambient sounds so I decided to pair it up with my Analog Four and set about working on a complete album of ambient tracks. Now obviously this soon grew beyond the confines of a simple album so I’ve ended up splitting it into two EPs. Or mini-albums really seeing as though they’re both over 45 minutes long.

Since our son Ira was born I’ve been playing him ambient electronic music at night. The music of artists such as Steve Hauschildt, Jogging House, R Beny and  Polypores has such a calming effect at the end of the day and I wanted to write a collection of original tracks that would produce a similar feeling of peacefulness. That’s the story behind these releases and this is what I came up with.

The first instalment The Forgetting will be released tomorrow. There are six tracks plus a seventh bonus track included with the digital download. For the time being I’ll only be releasing these EPs on my Monochrome Echo Bandcamp, so now would be a good time to follow Monochrome Echo on Bandcamp so you get notified about the new releases!

The second instalment Timelapse will be released one week later on 10ty April. Seeing as Friday is now the new Monday for releasing new music I’ve decided to release these EPs on Thursdays. It’s always good to be different I find! Timelapse has an additional seven tracks with yet another bonus track for those of you that buy the digital download.

I’m incredibly fortunate to have the awesome Cristian Eres do the artwork for both of these EPs. And here it is for the first time… cue fanfare!

I’m very excited to share this new music with you. It’s a bit different to my previous releases as Monochrome Echo but I think you’ll like it. It’s music to chill out to which perhaps has become particularly pertinent given the current situation in the world right now.

Anyway I hope you enjoy all the new music as it comes out over the next couple of weeks. If you do, please tell your friends. And don’t forget to follow Monochrome Echo over on Bandcamp and sign up to the mailing list to get notified the minute the EPs come out.

Stay well and wash those hands.


Mar 20 2020

Today is Unofficially Bandcamp Day!

Hello folks,

As we all sit at home in these strange and uncertain times it’s been great to see so much positivity in the music world. Artists are live-streaming gigs and jams from home and several music software companies are doing great deals and freebies to help those artists make the best of this time of self-isolation.

Today the wonderful people at Bandcamp are waiving all their fees so all the money from all music you purchase today on Bandcamp goes straight to the artist.

Now it goes without saying that there is a plethora of awesome music out there right now and I’ve already bought a couple of albums this morning safe in the knowledge that I’m supporting those artists in as direct as way possible right now. I’ve posted link on my Monochrome Echo Twitter.

So today would be a most excellent time for you to purchase some Monochrome Echo records too! I’ve reinstated the 50% discount for anyone buying the complete back catalogue for the foreseeable future whilst all this chaos continues. You can find all my albums at https://monochromeecho.bandcamp.com.

Here’s the latest album Matrix Rebooting to give you a taster…

Stay safe and well folks.

Jul 19 2019

New Monochrome Echo album Matrix Rebooting out today!

It’s finally here!

My brand new Monochrome Echo album Matrix Rebooting is officially out now!

This is my third full length electronic album. I started working on these tracks pretty much as soon as my previous album Nobody Is Looking At You was released last year. Once again it is entirely produced by me and the artwork is by the awesomely talented stratego.nine, who also did the artwork for the last record.

I’ve been running series of giveaways on my Monochrome Echo Twitter and Facebook pages over the last week offering free download codes for some of my back catalogue so hopefully some of you managed to snag a free album or EP in the run-up to the big release.

Matrix Rebooting is available for purchase or streaming at all the usual places worldwide. Obviously the best place to buy it is from Bandcamp where you can download the album in whatever high quality format you desire. The added bonus being that you can buy the full discography which now consists of three albums and three EPs with a 25% discount. So just over twenty quid for the lot.

Not to be sniffed at…

I really hope you enjoy the album (and indeed all the other albums) and don’t forget to share links on your social media to help spread the word. Those of you that use Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal (does anyone actually use Tidal??) or any of the other streaming sites; please follow Monochrome Echo and add your favourite songs to your playlists; it really does help spread the word and crack those pesky algorithms so other people might actually find my music without me telling them about it myself!

So without further ado, here’s the new album!!