Aug 13 2010

Album Progress Report #2

Hello again,

Firstly, welcome back to the new site which has undergone yet another redesign. I’ve changed the theme yet again to have a little more control over the layout of each page. The photo gallery is now up and running, I’m sure you’ll be thrilled to know. There’s a great collection of shots by the fantastic Stephen Lynn which are definitely worth a visit if you haven’t already seen them…

I’m sitting here listening back to the twelve tracks I’ve shortlisted for the solo bass album. Since my last post I’ve been feverishly grabbing every spare minute to do some more recording and have come up with a few extra ideas. Which, let me tell you, has been pretty tricky over the last fortnight as I’ve been all over the shop with Clare, Duke Special, the Duckworths and Maggie Reilly. In fact, most of the last two weeks have been spent traveling back and forth to Heathrow airport…

At this stage I am unsure as to whether I’ll be including all twelve tracks on the album as some of them are pretty long. Any of the tracks I decide not to use will undoubtably end up on my Soundcloud page, so feel free to check that out over the next week or so. I’ll probably add a few more alternate takes too; I have plenty!

First thing tomorrow I’m off to the Cowshed so Joe can sprinkle the fairy dust and master it to tape. I’m really looking forward to having something concrete in front of me at this stage, even if it means having to cull a couple more tracks.

I’ll let you know how it all goes. And incidentally, tomorrow night after the mastering session I’ll be playing at The Vortex with Esther Bennett. See you there?

Si x