Ladies and gentlemen…. Our new trio record Foreground Music, Vol. I is out today!!
Featuring Jez Carr on piano, Mike Haughton on soprano and tenor saxophones and myself on upright bass this is the culmination of our work together so far as a trio. The eight track album is available right now via Bandcamp in all it’s 24-bit glory in whatever format you prefer.

We are all very excited for you to hear the album. We’re looking to put on some live shows sometime in the new year with a view to recording more material.
Here’s a handy little player from Bandcamp so you can stream the album:
We really hope you like it. If you do, please help spread the word. With no record company or promoters we are relying on you, dear listeners, to help let the world know about our music. You can click the Like button on the Bandcamp page and post the player to your Facebook profiles. You can click the Tweet button and tell all your Twitter followers about us. You can even share the Bandcamp player on your websites and blogs so that others can hear our music.
Any music bloggers or websites that are interested in featuring or reviewing the album, please get in touch either via the comments below or the Contact form.
We’ll keep you informed of any news regarding the album here and via Twitter and Facebook. We’ve already had a few enquiries from radio so hopefully you’ll be hearing us on the airwaves rather soon.
Until then.
no comments | tags: 1, ambient, bandcamp, Bass, Foreground Music, Free Improv, jazz, Jez Carr, Mike Haughton, New Music, piano, saxophone, Simon Little, social media, Trio, vol., volume one | posted in Foreground Music, Jazz, Music, Recording
Hello folks,
Yesterday I got together with Jez Carr and Mike Haughton to work out what we’re going to do with the trio project.
We’re going to release an album very soon. It’s going to be called Foreground Music, Vol. I. As soon as it’s mastered by Jez we’re essentially good to go so watch this space for the release announcement. We’re going to put it out on Bandcamp. As it stands the album runs at about 72 minutes of freely improvised music over eight tracks. We’re all so pleased with the way it came out.
So, what does this music sound like? I hear you ask. Well, as a special treat for you all here and on Facebook and Twitter, here is a little preview track from the album. It’s mixed but not mastered. This will be the closing track from the record and is a lovely piano/saxophone feature. Not much bass on this particular track boys and girls but fear not; there’s all kinds of bottom end action to come.
Also, you’ll be glad to know that Jez has recently rejoined the world of Twitter and is now fully tweetable (!). You can find him at Jez Carr. He has also added his wonderful duo album with bassist Steve Lawson Conversations to his Bandcamp page. You should all check this out while you wait for our trio record. Here’s the handy player so you can have a listen…
So watch this space and Twitter for the release announcement. It could be as early as this weekend if it all goes to plan. Exciting times. Hope you like the preview folks!
Until then…

no comments | tags: #soloalbum3, 1, album, Bass, Conversations, Foreground Music, Free, I, Improv, jazz, Jez Carr, Mike Haughton, New Music, piano, saxophone, Simon Little, social media, Steve Lawson, Trio, vol., volume one | posted in Foreground Music, Jazz, Looping, Music, Recording