Apr 3 2017

Stream The Divine Comedy live at Folies Bergère

Hello folks

Just a quick post as i realised that I’ve yet to post anything on this website of mine for quite some time and clearly you are all feeling neglected.

So the big European tour from The Divine Comedy has come to a finish and I’m sure some of you would love to relive those halcyon days from the comfort of your own homes.

Well in that case you’ll be delighted to know that you can still stream the entire Folies Bergère show from back in February on Youtube via those clever people at Culturebox.

And here it is

We’ll be seeing you at some festivals over the summer months.

Until then you’ll be glad to hear that Inhale a brand new Monochrome Echo Ep out this Friday! It’s called Analog Artifacts and it’ll be available on Bandcamp, and everywhere else the following Friday 14th for those of you that (for some silly reason) don’t like Bandcamp.

I’ll remind you of this important news on the day. Obviously.

Until then…

Mar 13 2014

Maggie Reilly at The Half Moon, March 2014

Good afternoon folks,

Maggie Reilly Half Moon

I mentioned in my previous blog post that on Tuesday I’d be playing at the marvellous Half Moon in Putney with Maggie Reilly so I thought I’d drop another quick post with some photos and a short video from the show.

Maggie Reilly and Davie Dunsmuir

We got a great crowd and it was really exciting to play another London show as the majority of our gigs are over in Germany and Scandinavia. As well as playing a lot of the material from Maggie’s latest album Heaven Sent we played all the hits and  some of the more folky material from her album Rowan.

Processed with VSCOcam with x2 preset

The band for this show and the forthcoming German tour next week consisted of Davie Dunsmuir on guitars, Gordon Dougal on keyboards and acoustic guitar, Tony Soave on drums and myself on bass. We were also lucky to be joined by two special guests; Stuart MacKillop joined us for a few songs, as did Alan Darby who played with Maggie back in the Cado Belle days.

Alan Darby

And as it was a a hometown gig for me I was able to bring my Warwick Triumph bass for a few tunes in the set. Love that bass…

Simon little with Warwick Triumph bass

So the German tour starts next week. You can find all the dates on my previous post. Whilst I did manage to get a few videos from the Half Moon show, unfortunately the app I was using decided to delete almost all of them. So all I have to show you is half of Moonlight Shadow from the end of the night. Enjoy…

I expect the next post will be after the German tour. I’ll try to get some more videos in the meantime. Until then…

Gordon Dougal on guitar
ps. The majority of the photos in this post were shot by Phil Ross. Many thanks to Phil for allowing me to use his photos from the show.

Dec 11 2013

Maggie Reilly Plays Bush Hall 16th December

Hello folks,

Many of you know that I have been playing with Maggie Reilly for many years now. Some of you may have even been lucky enough to actually see the band play live at some point. But for those of you in the UK the opportunity to see the band has been a little scarce shall we say. Aside from a couple of small shows at the Tron Theatre a few years ago I have never played a UK show with Maggie. We tend to tour around Germany and Scandanivia for the most part. But the wait is finally over boys and girls!

Next Monday 16th December we are playing a show at Bush Hall in Shepherds Bush to celebrate the release of Maggie’s new record Heaven Sent. 

Here’s a little video of us playing her latest single Juliet at a radio concert in Hamburg a couple of months ago, in case you haven’t heard Maggie before. I’m sure you have…

Seriously don’t miss this show if you can make it. I’m sure there will be more UK dates to follow next year but for the time being it’s the only one planned and I’ve certainly waited a long time for this one! The band features Stuart MacKillop on keyboards, Davie Dunsmuir on guitar, and Tony Soave on drums.

Tickets are £15.00 and can be purchased online via the Bush Hall website. Hopefully see you all there!

Maggie Reilly Live